Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): European journal of volunteering and community-based projects

The journal aims to address issues related to the third sector and community-based activities. The magazine therefore has the aim of spreading the culture of the third sector (voluntary organizations, social promotion associations, philanthropic bodies, social enterprises, mute aid companies, recognized and non-recognized associations, ecclesiastical bodies), the topics of interest are:

Social services

Health interventions and services

Education, health education and training

Safeguarding and improving environmental conditions

Protection and enhancement of cultural and landscape heritage

University and post-university education

Organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest

Community sound broadcasting

Tourist activities of social, cultural or religious interest

Extra-curricular training, aimed at preventing early school leaving and at school and training success, at preventing bullying and combating educational poverty

Development cooperation

commercial, production, education and information, promotion, representation, licensing of certification marks, carried out within or in favour of fair-trade chains

Services aimed at introducing or reintegrating workers and disadvantaged people into the labour market

Social housing

Humanitarian Reception

Social agriculture

Organization and management of amateur sports activities

Charity, distance support, free food supply

Promotion of the culture of legality, peace between peoples, nonviolence and unarmed defence

Promotion and protection of human, civil, social and political rights, as well as the rights of consumers and users of activities of general interest

Civil protection

International adoption procedures

Redevelopment of unused public goods or assets confiscated from organized crime.

The journal also welcomes contributions on medical activities or groups of citizens that have an impact on general well-being.

Published: 2022-10-05

Full Issue

Refereed Papers

Report, poster, protocols and guidelines

  • Bilancio Integrato Arcigay 2021

    Paolo Biancone, Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia, Davide Calandra, Federica Bassano, Matteo Cavalieri, Piazzoni Gabriele, Fabrizio Sorbara, Ariberto Vergnani