L'analisi dell'impatto sociale generato dall'Associazione Il Mantello Ferrara/ The analysis of the social impact generated by the Association “Il Mantello”.


  • Caterina Cavicchi Department of Economics and Management, University of Ferrara
  • Emidia Vagnoni Department of Economics and Management, University of Ferrara
  • Monica Indelli Association of Social Promotion “Il Mantello”
  • Fernandez Ara Association of Social Promotion “Il Mantello”
  • Giulia Fiore Association of Social Promotion “Il Mantello”
  • Lucrezia Arienti Association of Social Promotion “Il Mantello”


social impact assessment, social return on investment, accounting, third sector entity, disclosure, stakeholders


Purpose: The study provides an example of implementation of social impact assessment (SIA) in an association of social promotion (ASP), called Il Mantello.

Methodology: To implement the SIA, a social return on investment (SROI) calculation has been performed, and the value generated by Il Mantello to its stakeholders was disclosed.

Findings: The SIA was the result of a shared accountability process, to identify and satisfy the information needs of ASP’ stakeholders. Thus, a SROI report was realized thanks to the collaboration with accounting scholars of the local university, to disclose the generated social value.

Practical implications: SIA realization represents a best practice. First, the SROI methodology is carefully detailed, providing indications for those third sector entities (TSEs) interested in conducting a SIA. Second, report realization places emphasis on the need for smaller TSEs to integrate external (financial and non-financial) accounting skills, to implement the SIA.

Social implications: The SROI report may support the legitimacy (and survival) of the ASP in front of its stakeholders.



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How to Cite

L’analisi dell’impatto sociale generato dall’Associazione Il Mantello Ferrara/ The analysis of the social impact generated by the Association “Il Mantello”. (2024). European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects, 1(1), 175-184. https://journal.odvcasarcobaleno.it/index.php/ejvcbp/article/view/148