Assessing the Multifacetedness of Greenwashing: Implications for Consumers, Companies and Societies


  • Marco Valerio Rossi Roma Tre University
  • Francesca Faggioni Department of Business Studies, Roma Tre University
  • Alfredo Sagona Alumni, Department of Political Sciences, LUISS Guido Carli University
  • Andrea Sestino Faculty of Economics, Medicine & Surgery, Department of Economics and Management, Catholic University of Sacred Heart and Department of Management, LUISS Guido Carli University


greenwashing, corporate credibility, corporate social responsibility, trust, environmental concern, brand image, consumers, consumption


Purpose. This paper systematically reviews the current literature on Greenwashing, aiming to organize existing knowledge on the phenomenon. The research investigates and categorizes the main sub-topics within the broader realm of greenwashing, providing deeper insights and suggesting areas for future research.

Design/methodology/approach. Employing a qualitative design and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) analysis, a systematic literature review has been conducted, analyzing a dataset of 1,846 original contributions.

Findings. The analysis identified six sub-topics of greenwashing and three macro-categories: 1) Business-related effects, such as impacts on business credibility and brand; 2) Consumer-related effects, including implications for human rights and consumptions; and 3) Social-related effects, encompassing greenwashing regulation and its relationship with Corporate Social Responsibility. The study concludes by discussing implications for consumers, managers, and policymakers.

Originality/value.  Unlike previous systematic reviews of Greenwashing concept, this study focuses on establishing a comprehensive and holistic framework of the main aspects within this field of research, rather than analyzing just specific sub-elements.


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How to Cite

Assessing the Multifacetedness of Greenwashing: Implications for Consumers, Companies and Societies . (2024). European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects, 1(2), 51-69.