Foreign direct investment, institutional development, financial development and economic growth


  • Rajab bouzayani Faculté des sciences economiques et de gestion Sfax
  • Zouheir Abida Faculté des sciences économique et de gestion de Sfax


Foreign direct investment, financial development, economic growth, Institutional development, panel data analysis


The aim of this paper is to focus on relationship between FDI, financial development, institutional development and economic growth in North African countries from 1995 to 2017. Using the system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) in a panel data analysis, we justify the positive effect of FDI, institutional development and financial development on the economic growth in North African countries. We also noted the important complement between FDI, institutional development and financial


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How to Cite

Foreign direct investment, institutional development, financial development and economic growth . (2021). European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects, 1(1), 10-21.