Innovative trends that influence on teaching and learning process towards the revolution education 4.0
Education 4.0, AR app, Machine Learning, artificial intelligence, innovative methodsAbstract
The aspiration of this work is to take up different innovative teaching and learning approaches in
the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). Education 4.0 is a result of the revolution of
industry 4.0 where technology and humans need to be coordinated to facilitate cutting-edge
promises. The third industrial revolution was identified by information technology and the fourth
industrial revolution influenced by artificial intelligence including the wrapping of different updates
like driverless cars, smart sensors, robots, autonomous drones, internet of things. This rapid
optimization and digitization entanglement on the growth of the society, the impact of aging
populations and growth within the society and higher education have an essential part to shape
every aspect of our daily life. The different technologies and tools help us to make things easier
than choosing different defendable approaches. This swift advancement is also impacting the
higher education sector & the universities are making notable contributions to the education
revolution 4.0 with their work in technological innovation in different areas. Hadoop, Hbase, Pig,
Hive, Machine learning, and other lots of tools allow academic researchers to significantly cut
down on human errors and manual efforts. Taking the full benefit of advanced technology is
not only necessary to meet the industry-standard but also need to make twin revolutions in
education and at the same time ensure quality, best experience, and utilization of time. This paper
contributes the research direction using innovative teaching methods including AR app in
developing imagination to various views of Engineering drawing and the impact on the
performance of the students in order to prepare future graduates to align with the technological
advancement. The results are positive and the analysis shows the increase in the percentage of
passing by 16.30%
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