Bilancio Integrato Arcigay 2020
arcigay, social impact, integrated reporting, LGBTQAbstract
Arcigay voluntarily publishes its Integrated Report for the first year with the aim of illustrating the commitment made in order to create value in a broad and diversified sense not only in the short term but also in the medium and long term for all stakeholders. The concept of "expanded" value creation refers to all those significant results for the purposes of competitiveness (for example in terms of innovation and development of know-how, skills and sense of belonging of people, care of associates, commitment to environmental sustainability) which, conversely, are not sufficiently reflected in the traditional reporting tools required by law. 1. the Strategic Committee, which governed the process of "integrated social reporting" by defining the guidelines for achieving the objective; 2. the Social Impact Assessment Committee (newly established and tested and to complete and enhance the governance of the process with a view to evolution and innovation), which has tested a process of acquiring quantifiable and qualifiable information aimed at governing a Corporate Social Responsibility perspective; 3. The Steering Scientific Committee, which defined the methodological references for the drafting and supervised the entire process; 4. the Methodological and Operational Application Working Group, which oversaw the operational management of the Social Report, according to the methodologies and timing identified in the time schedule and in coordination and collaboration with all the internal structures of Arcigay. The documents provided by each process and project manager mapping the information system of the Association in relation to the relationship with the committees and member associations The Integrated Report, in line with the evolution of international reporting, is drawn up in compliance with the International Framework, issued in December 2013 by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and uses a set of indicators, selected from those proposed by the 2016 GRI Standards. The accounting report includes the activities of national Arcigay and all affiliated associations and refers to the year 2020 with an overview of some specificities over the last four years. In addition, it was considered necessary to include in the Integrated Report the information deemed of greatest importance regarding some events that occurred after the end of the financial year and up to the date of publication of this document. The main sources of data and information indicated in the Integrated Report are: The Integrated Report was developed collaboratively by an inter-functional task force, set up ad hoc to develop the Integrated Reporting process, coordinated by the Sustainability Manager who used Microsoft Teams Office 365 as a shared repository of information and data. Process governance is identified in four working groups that have been set up and that have collaborated with each other and with the associative managers involved from time to time.
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