Corporate social responsibility in tourism
tourism, corporate social responsability, business model, supply chainAbstract
This article highlights the main issues associated with responsibility in tourism that can be applied to different contexts. The current business model of the tourism-related supply chain needs to consider the concept of social responsibility. The analysis focuses on the European context, identifying 173 scientific articles on Scopus. Based on the sources identified, the study analyzes the main variables that determine the concept of social responsibility through bibliometric analysis of sources. The research integrates the business model composed of public, private and nonprofit entities capable of generating value and responding to market, territorial and community needs with environmental, social, economic and technological elements. The study proposes adopting the measurement of aspects of social responsibility through different guidelines, approaches and indicators that already exist in the European context. These include the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and related guidelines on biodiversity and tourism development, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) guidelines for sustainable tourism planning and management, guidelines on sustainable tourism initiatives and good practices, and the Natura 2000 Network in Europe, the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, which consolidate some of the observations made by the new EFRAG guidelines on environmental sustainability and reporting information, the guidelines on the relationship between public administrations and third sector entities in Art. 55-57 of Legislative Decree no. 117 /2017 (third sector code) and the Contracts Code (Legislative Decree 50/2016), which deals with the topic of partnership in Title I of Part IV. These elements form the basis for integrating business models currently studied in the literature. The scenarios presented help identify the range of plausible development paths, thus building the foundation for future model-based research.
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