The Social Impact Assessment of the Italian Universal Civil Service: between solidarity, employability and employment

Social Impact Assessment of the Italian Universal Civil Service


  • Davide Calandra University of Turin
  • Emilie Jacquemod Department of Management, University of Turin
  • Maida Caria Centro Servizi per il Volontariato Vol.To Torino
  • Paolo Biancone Department of Management, University of Turin


Social impact, Universal Civil Service, Employment, Transversal Skills, Economic Enhancement, Human and Social Capital


The number of civil service volunteers parallel to Third Sector Entities has increased recently. It is of new interest to assess the impact of the civil service on the outside world and the volunteers involved. The study to investigate these aspects investigates the social impact of universal civil service in the context of reference through constructing the value chain and the causal link between the UDC, the dimension of employability and employment. The employment conditions of volunteers determined through data from the Piedmont Labor Agency and other evidence on the value generated support the analysis of the project spillover on Sustainable Development Goals by determining the change generated and proposing an integrated measurement approach that accommodates different approaches.


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How to Cite

The Social Impact Assessment of the Italian Universal Civil Service: between solidarity, employability and employment: Social Impact Assessment of the Italian Universal Civil Service. (2023). European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects, 1(1), 61-85.