Analysis of organisational elements in the provision of rapid HIV testing. The case of the Odv Casa Arcobaleno Association.


  • Dr. Marco Bosa Odv Casa Arcobaleno - Rivoli Hospital
  • Dr. Stefano Costa Odv Casa Arcobaleno - SSR
  • Dr. Mauro Gottero Arcigay Ottavio Mai di Torino - Luce per la vita Onlus
  • Mr. Massimo Scavia Odv Casa Arcobaleno - School of medicine (San Luigi)
  • Prof. Emidio Albertini Arcigay Omphalos di Perugia - University of Perugia
  • PhD Valerio Brescia Odv Casa Arcobaleno - University of Turin
  • Luca Brussard Odv Casa Arcobaleno


Rapid test, HIV, community service, community-based


The use of rapid HIV tests is increasingly widespread in order to increase knowledge about serological status and access to treatment, especially in populations considered most at risk. In this study, through a systematic review of the most significant literature and projects carried out in recent years, we are trying to analyze the organizational elements that should be taken into account in order to ensure an efficient and effective service. In particular, the places where the test is administered, the type of staff involved, the relationship and link with a public body for the confirmation and taking charge of the positivity, the consulting service offered, the costs of the service, the type of test, the frequency of administration and the rate of effectiveness of the rapid test are subject to analysis and comparison. The case study confirms empirically and integrates the evidence found in the literature.



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Author Biographies

  • Dr. Marco Bosa, Odv Casa Arcobaleno - Rivoli Hospital

    Doctor specialized in internal medicine

  • Dr. Stefano Costa, Odv Casa Arcobaleno - SSR

    Doctor specialized in general medicine

  • Dr. Mauro Gottero, Arcigay Ottavio Mai di Torino - Luce per la vita Onlus

    Doctor specialized in palliative care 

  • Mr. Massimo Scavia, Odv Casa Arcobaleno - School of medicine (San Luigi)

    medicine student

  • Prof. Emidio Albertini, Arcigay Omphalos di Perugia - University of Perugia

    Professor of Agricultural Genetics

  • PhD Valerio Brescia, Odv Casa Arcobaleno - University of Turin

    President Odv Casa Arcobaleno - Research fellow of the Department of Management of the University of Turin


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How to Cite

Analysis of organisational elements in the provision of rapid HIV testing. The case of the Odv Casa Arcobaleno Association . (2020). European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects, 1(1), 57-88.